Sunday, December 28, 2008

Our sweet cousin Sanna

This is our "little" cousin Sanna she is two weeks younger then Enna but has her beat by about seven pounds and probably an inch in length. She is the sweetest, most loveable peanut you will ever meet!! All she does is smile and hang out. Enna didn't let the size difference stop her from trying to attack her whenever they were near each other! I sure wish we lived closer to our cousins, the girls loved being around all of them over the holidays!! My favorite pic is the view from behind... too cute!!Sanna's big sister Noella is the other girl in the one picture.

My Girls

Not loving the close up of me but the girls are cute!!

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Sorry for the lack of posts. We have been busy and sick here. Daddy had two games this weekend....they won!!! They were conference games so winning was important! I can't figure out why this post is messed up as far as format!
Gretchen is sucking her thumb and holding Enna's ear. She tolerates it most of the time but will sometimes scream in annoyance!
Enna is sitting up like a big girl these days.
Gretchen had to model her Dora skates/gear.

Big blue eyes!!

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Saturday morning and gymnastics

Today is a lazy Saturday with the girls. Jason is gone for his games(they won last night!!!)
We are just bumming around waiting for my sister and fam from Grand Junction to get here on their way to ND for Thanksgiving. Have a great weekend.

Gretchen had to have her picture taken after I took Enna's!

Squash anyone?

Jumping on the trampoline at Just Jymnastics

Preeeeeeesent! How they are suppose to stand after they do a move. She had to do this before receiving her blue ribbon!

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Our animals

These little creatures will be as close as we get to having animals of our own!
These deer are feasting on our neighbor's lawn
Turkeys nibbling on our lawn

Yes, they get this close to our house!!! That is my patio to the left. This is taken right outside our dining room window.

Saturday Pics

It's been a week since we've posted anything. Thought I'd put up a few pics of the girls... Enjoy!
This was the best I could get of the girls together, both looking at the same time!!

Gretchen loves her daddy!!

Enna helped me do laundry today.....gotta start training early!!!!

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Shovel anyone?

Out our front door, had to shoot through the screen because I couldn't open the door! Sorry for the bad pics.
Behind our house

Well, winter is officially here. We are stuck home in a blizzard, no travel advised, four feet snowdrifts everywhere around our house. No work today :(!!!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Enna Stats

Enna also had a Dr. appt today. She will be six months old tomorrow. We can't believe it! Time has gone so fast. I think she was 15.2 pounds and 23 inches? but not sure. I will change them when I get the exact numbers. Dr. said she is growing perfectly!! Good to hear! She is a much more content little girl now that she is older. Her first few months she was a little fussy. She still isn't the best sleeper.....only likes cat naps during the day and wakes once at night Dr. said it is time to let her cry it out at night so we'll see how that goes!!! We will be starting veggies this weekend!! Here are a few things Miss Enna enjoys at 6 months!!

  • She rolls over all the time

  • She "talks" nonstop when she is awake

  • She likes rice cereal

  • She puts anything/everything in her mouth

  • She likes to sit-up.... can almost do it by herself!!

  • She has the biggest smile that can put you in a better mood instantly!!

  • She likes to belly laugh when you tickle under her chin

  • Her big blues eyes are constantly checking things out

  • She unties her shoe laces when she is sitting on my lap with shoes on

  • She grabs at whatever you have

  • She LOVES her big sister!!

Gretchen Stats

My favorite thing....if you are lucky, I will even grab your ear while sucking my thumb when you are holding me!!

This is my rockstar dance......hands above the head while shaking it saying "Rockstar Rockstar!!"

As you all know from previous posts, Gretchen is the big two years old now. We had a doctors appt. today for her checkup. She weighs 25 lbs and is 33 inches tall? (Might have to change those the nurse usually writes them down for me and we forgot to today!!) We have to take her back on Friday for an ultrasound on her hip. It has been popping lately so the Dr. wants to make sure everything is okay. We sure hope it is!!

Here are a few things Miss Gretchen likes/does these days:

  • She LOVES Dora the Explorer and anything on Noggin!!

  • She likes to dance for her sister when she is crying

  • She likes snacks(variety of things fall under this)

  • She is really good at giving "5" and "knucks"

  • She enjoys going to gymnastics

  • She likes to play with other kids

  • She likes to cheer for the rockers!!

  • She is starting to go potty on the big girl potty!!

  • She gets really excited when she sees the moon.

  • She also likes flags(daddy taught her how to stand for the national anthem)

  • She thinks it is cool when we let her put chapstick on

  • She gives really good hugs and kisses

  • She loves to dress in a silly combination of clothing, hair accessories.

  • MOST of all she loves to suck her thumb and pull her ear!!! That should be a fun habit to try and break!!!

Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween!!!

We had a quiet halloween this year. The girls are still too young to know what is going on so we stayed home to hand out candy.(Plus Jason is gone for bball..they won their first game tonight!!!)Unfortunately, we had only 10 trick-or-treaters!!! We live at the end of a cul-de-sac with a lot of empty lots past us so I think kids didn't want to come this way for only 3 houses, of which 2 did not have their lights on! Gretchen did have a party at gymnastics on Wednesday so she dressed up then! I was feeling bad about not having a costume for Enna so she was a homemade M&M for two minutes for pics. G did not really cooperate for them so they are not real great!! Happy Halloween!

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

More Birthday Pics

The big 2 year old!!

Her four wheeler from our roommate Beth, she loves it!!
Enna and Tate(2.5 weeks older than her one day older than Peyton from last post!!)

Birthday guests

Addison from daycare
Ireland from daycare

Brenna my co-worker's daughter 2.5 weeks younger than Enna

Peyton his daddy works with Jason 2.5 weeks older then Enna

Sarah and Lane from daycare

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Birthday Party!!!

Opening presents
The cake...I know call me Betty Crocker!! Actually a very funny story to my decorating skills but we will save that for those who were here!!

Blowing out the "2" candle


Birthday princess

It was a few days early but we celebrated Gretchen's 2nd birthday on Sunday. She had some friends over and received some really nice gifts. I think she enjoyed it!! Not sure she really knew quite what it was all about but had a good time!! Tomorrow is the real day! We hope to have a special day with her!!

Grandma and grandpa visit!!

Reading with Grandma Sandy
The gang

Grandpa helping G feed her baby

Grandpa Dale playing with Enna

This past weekend grandma and grandpa Henry were here to visit. The girls really enjoyed spending time with them. They were here at a perfect time as Enna really started to jibber jabber this weekend!! She told some great stories!! They also were here for Gretchen's birthday party on Sunday afternoon. They were a HUGE help for mom and dad as grandpa helped hang things on the walls and grandma helped prepare for and host the party. Mom and dad would have been lost without them!! Thanks sooooooo much for the help grandma and grandpa!! We love you!!!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Miss Independent

This will be the fashion trend this winter!!
She wouldn't let me get a full body shot so I had to catch her on the run!
Her attempt at "Cheese!"
A little short....
Happy Baby!!

Gretchen has decided she likes to tell me what she will be wearing. The swimsuit over her clothes is one of her favorite looks. She likes Dora and a lady I work with had this suit from her daughter so she gave it to me. Of course it had to be put on immediately!! The plaid outfit is actually Enna's DRESS size 3 months. Which is kind of interesting because Gretchen really could have worn it as shirt this summer if I would have been thinking!! I'll have to check out other options like this.They could really share clothes that way!! Ha Ha!